Friday, August 21, 2009

Pisces and Virgo

Pisces, the Dreamer, with Saaturn in Virgo, learns the virtues of work (Virgo). Work = Sanity
[from a reader]

?Nancy, I didn't mean to leave the impression that I was mad about having to keep working. The truth is, it's a lifesaver, and I mean that literally. I remember when I was young I could spend hours looking at the clouds in the sky or at blades of grass, and it was like time didn't really exist. Even in my 20s and 30s, I used to love to come home to a quiet apartment, turn in the TV, and spend the rest of the day watching it and listening to music. I was like a fish in a bowl of water. But on my 41st birthday, the day of my breakup with Xxx, things abruptly changed. I found that I could no longer stand to have time on my hands and nothing to do. I dreaded approaching the door of my apartment. I was now a fish OUT of water. I kept thinking about what I should have said or shouldn't have said, or what I should have done or shouldn't have done. So I am indeed grateful for having a job, not that I particularly like the work and though I know it's costing me money each day I do work, and it's probably even dangerous to work, so that my mind doesn't have to be constantly filled with those terrible thoughts."

Do you have planets on the Virgo Pisces axis? Do you identify with this statement?

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