Friday, February 20, 2009

Oscar Fever - The Wrestler

Going to see this today so I'll havve seen all the nominees except The Reader which I won't bother with.

Rourke absolutely dominates the screen. A tour de force of acting. I can't see how he could help but win Best Actor (sorry, Langella) but I'm still giiving Frost / Nixon "Best Picture".

And here's the magic year 1995 again, the year Pluto entered Sagittarius and a new cycle began which just ended last year when Pluto entered Cappie. Rourke quit his boxing career in 1995 to return to acting and 13 years later voila, c'est ca.


Anonymous said...

I think I would cry through the whole movie, since alot of feel the way he does, but he doesnt' give up, gives it last shot. Great performance.

jazz goddess said...

I think its a sure thing for Mickey - Hollywood loves a comeback - he is in one of my favourite movies ever - "Diner".

Queen of Wands said...

I identified with the wrestler because of his physical setback. You can overcome mental and emotional blocks but sometimes you can't overcome a physical injury lik my torn core muscle. I have a lot more sympathy now for guys who have war wounds, too. When I see someone in a movie take a fall or get hit by a car or object I can hardly bear to watch it.